Mini-Minyan 11:00am – 12:00pm Babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and their caregivers celebrate Shabbat together with songs, prayers, stories and more! Please Note: Shabbat Club will NOT be [...]
Please Note: Due to Tisha B’Av, there will be no breakfast following morning minyan. Join Rabbi Marder for a learning session in person, over breakfast following minyan at 9:00 am. […]
Come to our pre-Shavuot party at Beth El for families and kids. This program is geared towards kindergarten-5th grade families and will begin with a whole group service/learning. We will […]
Join your Greater MetroWest community in NYC at the Celebrate Israel Parade. The theme is Am Echad, Lev Echad: One People, One Heart. This is the world’s largest expression of solidarity […]
Enjoy a laid-back Shabbat in Grove Park (by the playground) with Beth El! We’ll bring the challah and juice, you bring a picnic dinner and blanket. Please check our Facebook page […]
UPDATE: Unfortunately, due to bad weather, Shabbat in the Park is being canceled today. Stay safe out there! Shabbat Shalom! Enjoy a laid-back Shabbat in Grove Park (by the playground) […]
Enjoy a laid-back Shabbat in Grove Park (by the playground) with Beth El! We’ll bring the challah and juice, you bring a picnic dinner and blanket. Please check our Facebook […]
JLC End of the Year Shabbat Potluck Friday, June 7th at 5:30 pm at Grove Park Come celebrate a Shabbat Dinner as a farewell to the JLC year and hello […]