Letters of Love from St. George’s Episcopal Church

We hope you, your families, and congregations had a blessed Hanukkah this year! The Hanukkah message of enduring light and hope in the midst of darkness, uncertainty, and fear is powerful and inspiring, one that we share during our Advent season. It is a hopeful and enduring message the world needs to hear! As was proclaimed at the town menorah lighting, “Hanukkah is not just for the Jewish people; it is for the world.”

As recent events in our towns and schools have shown, antisemitism continues to know no boundaries and finds a home in every community, even here. Know that St. George’s stands with you against antisemitism and any act that is intended to and does make you feel unwelcome and unsafe in our community. We continue in our commitment to building together a community where all people can live and prosper without fear to practice their faith, raise their families in peace and love, and where the injustices of antisemitism and hatred are conquered and ended.

This past Sunday, our parish children created these messages of love and support to share with you all during this challenging time. Know that we celebrate the light you are and share in our towns and are deeply blessed to call you our neighbors and friends. May the light and witness of the Jewish people continue to bless this world and flourish!

With love,

The People of St. George’s Episcopal Church
Meg Davis, Minister for Families and Youth
Rev. Grant Mansfield, Rector
