Congregation Beth El is a dynamic, egalitarian Conservative synagogue with a strong commitment to inspiring learning, engaging worship and pursuit of social justice. We are an inclusive community, which means we welcome people of all ages and backgrounds to join us on Beth El’s journey. Our hope is that all who enter this shul find a Makom Kadosh (a holy space) in which to seek God and community.
What is community at Beth El? It is the connections we make with each other through shared prayer, study, charitable works, social action, and socializing. It is the supportive environment in which we care for each other, sharing sorrows and celebrating simchas. It is taking pleasure in contributing our skills, be they administrative or religious, to build and maintain a strong shul. Community is the strength of Congregation Beth El.
Interested in learning more about Congregation Beth El? Click here and someone from our Membership Committee will reach out and help you get to know our community.
Ready to join? Welcome! Please fill out the online Membership Form.
Here is what some of our members say about our community:
Beth El is home for our family. It is a community and building that emanates warmth, spirituality, friendship, and vibrant Jewish life. Every time we come to Beth El, we are greeted by old friends, and we eagerly welcome new faces on a weekly basis.
After almost 50 years of active membership at Beth El, we continue to be happily involved in our wonderful multi-generational community. Beth El is the family we chose!
As a same sex-couple, my wife and I were concerned about finding an inclusive synagogue. From the day the preschool welcomed our toddler, to the Terrific Twos, to now planning our second Bar Mitzvah, my wife, who is Jewish by choice, and I have found everything we ever wanted for our family. We are proud to be a part of this exceptional community.
I love that my toddler feels like Beth El is her second home! She walks right in, whether to Mini-Minyan on Shabbat or directly to her classroom in the preschool, where she is welcomed by friends and teachers who nurture and embrace her.
As an interfaith family, we found a welcoming and inclusive community at Beth El. Rabbis Marder and Olitzky were extremely helpful with our non-Jewish family at the Bar Mitzvah, helping us find ways to include everyone in the service, to make everyone feel like they were a part of our simcha. We feel very lucky to have found a conservative shul with such an emphasis on inclusivity!
Contact us to learn about membership at Congregation Beth El and request a membership form.